Strategies for Manufacturing Process Improvement |11+ Strategies
Strategies for Manufacturing Process Improvement |11+ Strategies:
Process improvement is the challenging work in manufacturing industries for continuous Improvement. For continuous improvement, many organizations are following arbitrarily several strategies to improve the process. But they can’t achieve it. As we know the manufacturing unit has many different processes, so they can’t follow a single strategy in all processes. So here we are going to discuss some common standard strategies that will help you to improve the manufacturing process. Following are the Strategies for Manufacturing Process Improvement.

Details of Process:
Team members who are involved in process improvement should have details knowledge of the process. You have to first prepare the PFD (Process flow diagram) or SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) to know the depth idea in the process. Study the Work procedure and verify the work going on in the process. If any obvious problem is identified then immediately correct it.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are PFD, SIPOC, WP, and Process verification with standard Procedure.
Process Standardization:
Operators involved in operation should follow the standardized procedure, which is the most efficient, effective, and best. So process owner should take the initiative to standardize the check sheet, operational procedure, control plan, etc. To do so process owner is supposed to create a CFT team to validate process characteristics and standardize the validated parameters. Monitoring of record to be executed. And time to time all relevant documents need to be revised.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are WP, CFT, Check sheet, SOP, Process validation, and Standardization of operation.
Process Streamline:
Streamlining of the process can be done by removing unnecessary activities and reducing the cycle time, inventory, etc. During the streamlining of the process, all the team members should eliminate the extra activities that do not provide the desired result and value to the organization and customer. Strong brain-storming is needed to identify the non-value-added activities.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are VSM, Brain-storming, JIT, World class supply management, etc.
Elimination of Errors:
In this activity, CFT team members need to study the process including 4M (Man, Machine, Material, and Method) factors as a potential source of error. Following are the methods or approaches that CFT team members need to follow to identify the source of error and need to react immediately to improve.
Tools/Methods/Approach used in this Strategy are:
Man | On-job Training, Visual Standard, 5’S, MSA, WP, Operators skills, etc. |
Machine | Calibration, Test report, Validation, Error proofing device, Machine maintenance, etc. |
Material | JIT, KANBAN, Testing, 5’S, etc. |
Method | SOP, Skill of operator, Testing, equipment calibration, etc. |
Statistical Process Control:
Process Inspectors have to collect the data and prepare the control chart according to data types. If a special cause exists there then they have to plan for continual improvement.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are Process Capability analysis, Control Chart, etc.
Process design improvement:
The CFT team needs to decide first which factors are going to be measured for improvement by experiment (DOE, DSS, etc.) methods. Before starting the experiment project, CFT members should represent the theoretical benefits and technical logic behind the improvement project. Then they have to set up, conduct an experiment project, and collect the data for analysis. If found positive result then the action of the experiment needs to be implemented in the process.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are DOE, DSS, Experiment Projects, etc.
Flow Production:
Machines should be set up in such a way that productions will run smoothly and steadily without interruption. Process layout needs to be standardized according to workflow.
Tools/Methods/Approach used in this Strategy is: Standardizing of Work Layout.
Level Production:
This involves breaking the large lots into smaller lots and producing them at a constant level. All manufacturing industries should prepare the production plan accordingly so that a constant quantity of daily production will run without storing the whole period of raw material as inventory.
Tools/Methods/Approaches used in this Strategy are JIT, PPC, Inventory Management, etc.
Visual Control:
Visual control is one of the best methodologies for process improvement, in this process, you can visualize the Q-component level and decision-making component level in the shop floor process, activities, and machine to know the deviation in the process. You can easily act on it online.
For example, leveling of lubricant oil at the machine, during daily machine inspection you can easily check the oil level, which may allow you to prevent the machine break-down caused by the low level of lubricant oil in the machine.
Tools/Methods/Approach used in this Strategy is Match-mark, sign, level, Photos, 5’S, etc.
Example-Andon system, read more…
Process Control:
This involves identifying the process variation (special cause, common cause, wastage, defects, yield, scrap, etc.). Process owners need to analyze it and take the necessary action on it.
Tools/Methods/Approach used in this Strategy are Control chart, run chart, 7QC tools, MSA, SPC, etc.
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance):
By actively doing the TPM activities may lead to some benefits like zero breakdown, zero defects, etc. and the machine’s basic condition will be maintained.
- Note that all the above strategies are not applicable to all sectors/ units and it depends on the nature of the Manufacturing process and suitability.
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