How to update phone number in Punjab Gramin Bank Account 2024
Last updated on November 29th, 2023 at 06:41 am
How to update phone number in Punjab Gramin Bank Account:
Hi readers! Today we will discuss here and simultaneously guide you on how to update/change/register your phone number in Punjab Gramin Bank Account. Your registered mobile number plays an important role in getting notice, SMS, online transaction OTP, and communication from both the side; user and service provider (Bank). You can miss out on services (like net banking, Debit card online transactions, etc.) provided by your bank If you have not yet registered your mobile number in your account. To do so carefully read the below article and download the application/ letter and submit this application to the bank manager. Download links are given below;
DOWNLOAD-AppliCation-1 (Application for phone number registration in my bank account)
Application-2- DOWNLOAD– (Application for changing of phone number against existing one)
How to update phone number in Punjab Gramin Bank Account:

Day by Day Punjab Gramin Bank is getting popular and also people are opening their accounts. If you have a bank account in Punjab Gramin Bank but forgot to register your mobile number, then follow the below process to get it done. To do so you have to visit the Punjab Gramin Bank, where you have already opened your bank account. And need to submit the application to Bank Manager for phone number registration.
Example of Application, (Example-1):
The Bank Manager of Punjab Gramin Bank, [mention here the branch location name].
(Subject: Application for Phone Number Registration in my Bank Account)
Dear Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I am [Mention Your Name].
I have a Bank Account in Punjab Gramin Bank, [Mention Branch name], [Account Number], [Mobile Number], [Address]. I feel that I made a mistake during the opening of the bank account and forgot to mention my phone number. Now I am mentioning my current active phone number i.e. [Mention here your current active mobile number] for being registered in my bank account.
Therefore, I shall be very grateful if you register my current phone number in my bank account.
Yours faithfully,
Mobile Number:
Account Number:
[Note: Don’t Worry just Download the Word file and change the red highlighted color accordingly]
If you are similarly looking for a phone/mobile number change /update against the existing one, then download the below sample application from the above links and submit it to the bank manager.
Sample Application of Phone Number Change / Update against the Exist one, (Example-2):
The Bank Manager of Punjab Gramin Bank, [mention here the branch location name].
(Subject: Application for changing of mobile number against existing one)
Dear Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I am [Mention Your Name].
I have a bank account in Punjab Gramin Bank, [Mention Branch name], [Account Number], [Mobile Number], [Address]. My registered mobile number is not active. So hereby I am mentioning my Current Active Mobile Number i.e. [Mention here your current active mobile number] for being changed.
Therefore, I shall be very grateful if you Change my Current Phone Number to the existing one.
Yours faithfully,
Mobile Number:
Account Number:
[Note: Don’t worry just download the word file and change the red highlighted color accordingly]
Synopsis of How to update/change/register phone number in Punjab Gramin Bank Account:
Step-1:- Download the above application. (Download links are provided at the top of this article)
Step-2:- fill up the red highlighted portion only.
Step-3:- Submit the filled-up application to the bank manager.
Note that some banks may be asked for both the application and bank’s form for mobile number registration or may be either the bank’s form or application merely, so you are requested to confirm by concerned bank personnel which document needs to be provided for registration.
Note: The above process may change w.r.t individual bank policy, terms & conditions, rules, and Privacy; so to know more kindly contact your respective Gramin bank.
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