Mobile number registration process in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank Account 2024
Last updated on November 29th, 2023 at 07:25 am
How to update phone number in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank Account:
Today we’ll discuss and at the same time guide you on the way to update/change/register your phone /mobile number in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank Account. Your registered mobile number takes a vital role in obtaining notice, SMS, online transaction OTP, and communication from each side; user, and service provider (Bank). You’ll miss out on services (like net banking, Debit card online transactions, online recharge, shopping, bill payment, etc.) provided by your bank If you’ve not yet registered your mobile /phone number to your bank account. For doing so carefully read the below article and download the application/ letter and submit this application to the bank manager. Below we’ve mentioned 3 applications and download links as well.
DOWNLOAD-Application-1 (First-time mobile /phone number registration in a bank account).
DOWNLOAD-Application-2 (To change the phone /mobile number in a bank account).
Application-3 –DOWNLOAD (To update the phone /mobile number in a bank account).
How to update the phone number in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank Account:

Nowadays Grameen banks are getting popular and also they’re providing the best services & facilities to their customers. Currently, in the digital market, people are generally trying to avoid the traditional way of paying the bills offline however they prefer to pay the bills online for easy, suitability, and time-saving. And getting several types of offers using digital wallets & e-commerce platforms. As you know during online transactions OTP is required to complete the process but you can receive the OTP only in your registered mobile /phone number. If you have not yet registered your phone number then you’ll miss out on some services or facilities provided by your bank. Merely follow the below steps to register/update/change your phone /mobile number in your account.
Step-1: Download the application from above.
Step-2: Visit to your Grameen Bank home branch and confirm what are the documents that need to be submitted along with the application.
Step-3: Mention the details in the application in the red highlighted portion only.
Step-4: Submit the application along with the necessary documentation to the bank manager.
Application-1 (First-time mobile /phone number registration in a bank account):
The Bank Manager of Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [write the branch name].
(Subject: Request to register my mobile /phone number in Bank Account)
Respected Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that I’m V.V Singh [write your name].
I have a Bank Account in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [write Branch name], [A/C Number], [Active Mobile /Phone Number]. I had forgotten to mention my phone /mobile number during bank account form fill-up. Hence, I am mentioning my current active mobile /phone number (933XXXXXXX) for registration in my bank account.
Therefore, I shall be thankful to you if you register my current active phone number in my bank account.
Yours faithfully,
Name: V.V Singh
Address: AT/PO…….., PS:………., Dist.:……, State:…….,PIN:……..
Mobile /Phone Number: 933XXXXXXX
Account Number: XXXXXXXXX963
Application-2 (To change the phone number in bank account):
The Manager of Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [Write the branch location name].
(Subject: Request to change my mobile /phone number against existing one)
Dear Sir,
I would like to tell you that I’m M.K Panda [write your name]. I actually have a bank account in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [write branch name], [Account Number]. This mobile number (xxxxxxx357) has been registered in my bank account however presently it’s not active. So, I’m mentioning here my current active mobile number which is 956XXXXXXX for changing against the existing registered number.
Therefore, I shall be very obliged if you Change my Current Phone Number against the existing one.
Yours faithfully,
Name: M.K Panda
Address: Village…….., Via:………., Dist.:……, State:…….,PIN:……..
Mobile Number: xxxxxxx956.
Account Number: yyyyyyyyyyyy.
Application-3 (To update the phone /mobile number in bank account):
The Bank Manager of Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [mention here the branch location name].
(Subject: To update mobile /phone number in my grameen bank account)
Dear Sir,
I am K.M Kumar [Mention Your Name], I have a bank account in Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank, [Mention Branch name], [Account Number], [Mobile /Phone Number].I wish to bring to your attention that recently I have lost my phone /mobile number, which is registered in my account. Thus I’m mentioning here my current active phone /mobile number i.e. xxxxxxx781 to update in my bank account and at the same time requesting to deactivate the bank services of my previous mobile number to prevent the misuse of my bank account.
Therefore, I shall be very grateful if you update my current phone /mobile number and block my old number for bank services to prevent the misuse of my bank account.
Yours faithfully,
Name: K.M Kumar
Address: AT… PO… PS… Dist.… State…Pin….
Current Active Phone /Mobile Number: xxxxxxx781
Account Number: xyxyxyxyxyxy.
[Note1: Just download the word file and alter the red highlighted color accordingly].
Note that some banks may be asked for both the application and bank’s form for mobile number registration or may be either the bank’s form or application merely, so you are requested to confirm by concerned bank personnel that which document needs to be provided for registration.
[Note2: The above process may change w.r.t individual bank policy, terms & conditions, rules, and Privacy; so to know more kindly contact with your respective Gramin bank].
We got several queries in the last number of weeks so; here we’ve set to present the solution to your queries.
Q1: How to do mobile number registration in online?
A1: may this facility isn’t offered, therefore you have to contact to your home branch gamin bank and wish to submit the application. You can download the application from the top of this post.
Q2: What are the documents needed to submit?
A2: It will vary from bank to bank, however, most of bank asks for an application. But some ask for each bank’s type form and application.
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