SIPOC Template | SIPOC Diagram Example of Manufacturing & Service Industry
Last updated on October 5th, 2024 at 10:00 am
SIPOC Template | SIPOC Diagram Example of Manufacturing & Service Industry
Hi Readers! Today here, we will be discussing on SIPOC template and examples of sipoc diagrams of manufacturing and service industries. As you know that SIPOC is one of the most useful diagrams which is generally used for a better understanding of the process. In both the manufacturing and service industries are commonly used the two types of process mapping diagrams are. I.e. [1] PFD- Process flow diagram and another [2] SIPOC diagram. If you would like to download the free SIPOC excel template then, click on the given below download link.
Download the SIPOC template in excel format-SIPOC Excel format-DOWNLOAD Link
What is SIPOC Diagram?
The SIPOC diagram consists of 5 elements i.e. [1] Suppliers, [2] Inputs, [3] Processes, [4] Outputs, [5] Customers. The diagram is generally used for process mapping. It helps to understand the overview of the process in detail.
5 Steps to create a SIPOC Diagram:
Create a CFT team including the process owner of a particular process, which you are trying to draw.
Define the process, for example, let’s consider a process namely called Process-A and you are trying to draw an SIPOC diagram, so first of all you are supposed to list out the details activities of process-A in sequence with the help of the CFT team.
After listing out the details process sequence, find out the internal and external suppliers. Details are mentioned below example.
List out and identify the inputs, process, process output and then customers
Draw the Diagram by entering the above points in the appropriate places.

[SIPOC Template / Format]
SIPOC Diagram vs PFD – process flow diagram:
Both the SIPOC diagram and process flow diagram are used to represent the process mapping but the difference between the two is the elements that are used to represent the process details. In SIPOC, we use the 4 elements like supplier, input, process, output, and customer but in PFD, we use flow chart symbols, like the terminator, process, flow line (arrow connector), decision, document, connector, data, preparation, off-page connector, etc.
SIPOC Diagram Example of Manufacturing & Service Industry:
Manufacturing Industry Example:
Suppose a company manufactures automobile parts through foundry technology and they have planned to prepare a SIPOC diagram of one of the processes called green sand mould preparation.
Supplier | Input | Process | Output | Customer |
Sand plant | Green sand | Filling green sand into drag pattern cavity | Drag mould | Mould making dept. |
Sand plant | Green sand | Filling green sand into cope pattern cavity | Cope mould | Mould making dept. |
Mould making dept. | Cope and drag mould | Core fitting | Mould with core fitted | Mould making dept. |
Mould making dept | Mould with core fitted | Fitting of cope and drag mould | Final mould | Pouring dept. |

Service Industry Example:
Let’s consider one of the service sectors of finance as an example bank, and we are going to draw a SIPOC diagram of an offline saving bank account opening process, which is given below;
Supplier | Input | Process | Output | Customer |
….. | Application filled-up form | Offline checking and verification of documents deposited by the customer | Verified document | Document verification document |
Document verification dept. | Verified document | Account creation | New saving bank account number | Account creation dept |
Account creation dept | New saving account | Passbook issuing | New passbook | Mr. XYZ |
What does sipoc stand for in Six Sigma?
Ans.: The SIPOC stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer.
What is a SIPOC template?
The SIPOC template is a diagram which consists of suppliers, inputs, processes, outputs and customers. With the help of the SIPOC diagram, you can prepare the details process flow from start to end.
Free Templates / Formats of QM: we have published some free templates or formats related to Quality Management with manufacturing / industrial practical examples for better understanding and learning. if you have not yet read these free template articles/posts then, you could visit our “Template/Format” section. Thanks for reading…keep visiting
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