Attribute MSA |How to do Attribute type MSA Study| Example |Acceptance Criteria
Attribute MSA | How to do Attribute type MSA Study | Example | Acceptance Criteria
Hi readers! Today in this section we will be discussing in several topics on Attribute MSA, how to do Attribute MSA analysis, and acceptance criteria with practical industrial manufacturing examples. Measurement system analysis is one of the core AIAG tools, which is frequently used in automotive /automobile manufacturing industries to know the percentage of effectiveness, consumer risk, producer risk, etc. of those persons who are visually checking or doing inspection of parts, components, in-process products or finish products, etc.
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Gage R and R |How to do MSA Study | Acceptance Criteria

As you know how important visual checking /inspection is in the manufacturing industry, your wrong checking /inspection can affect the product performance or there may be a chance of rejection of the product at any stage. So it’s a very important to periodically monitor the effectiveness, miss-alarm, and false-alarm of inspectors, otherwise there will be high producer and consumer risks.
How to do Attribute type MSA Analysis?
Step-1: List out the appraisers.
Step-2: Need to have 50 references and at least 10 ‘not ok’ items.
Total references /items /components = | 50 nos |
Ok reference = | 34 nos |
Not OK reference = | 16 nos |
Step-3: Note the observation of all three appraisers with 3-trials per appraiser
Appraiser-1 | Appraiser-2 | Appraiser-3 | |
No of opportunities | 150 nos | 150 nos | 150 nos |
No of trial per appraiser | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Step-4: Calculate the percentage of effectiveness, misalarm and falsealarm of all individual appraisers.
Interpretation of Result and Acceptance Criteria with Example:
Suppose an organization appointed three inspectors at the final dispatch area for visual checking of the finished product. They are basically being engaged to check the visual defects. After a couple of Months Company got a customer complaint related to a visual defect and the same complaint has been analyzed by Sr. Engineer. During the validation of potential causes, he also studied the attribute type MSA of all three appraisers and he found that one of the appraiser’s percentage of miss-alarm was >5. So finally, Sr. engineer has further analyzed the root cause. And according to the root cause action plan has been taken by him as on-job training and also he has increased the frequency of Attribute-MSA study. In this scenario, you can imagine that how important the Attribute type MSA studies are for inspectors who are doing the visual inspection.
Acceptance Criteria:
Another important part is the interpretation of the attribute type MSA study report and its decision, generally, the appraiser can be acceptable when the percentage of effectiveness is greater than or equal to 90, the miss-alarm less than or equal to 2, False-alarm less than or equal to 5. And also appraiser can be marginally acceptable but may need improvement when percentage of effectiveness greater than or equal 80, miss-alarm less than or equal to 5, False-alarm less than or equal to 10.
Similarly, the appraiser can be unacceptable when the percentage of effectiveness is less than 80, the miss-alarm greater than 5, False-alarm greater than 10.
The general thumb rule of kappa is that, if the kappa value > (greater than) 0.75 then it indicates good agreement (but note one thing that the maximum kappa value will be 1 and it indicates excellent agreement). and similarly, the kappa value < (less than) indicates the poor agreement.
Please note that all the above acceptance criteria are the general thumb rule.
learn more about multiple types of questions and answers of MSA. then click here.
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